Power Is the Great Motivator
Power Is the Great Motivator
Автор: David C. McClelland
Дата написания:
Издательство: Ingram
ISBN: 9781633691544
Цена: 740.26 Руб.
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In this provocative exploration into the nature and value of power in organizations, authors David McClelland and David Burnham reveal how the drive for influence is essential to good management. The authors provide a wealth of counterintuitive insights about what using power really means in today's business landscape. <i>Power Is the Great Motivator</i> is a must-read for all managers seeking to foster high morale and a strong sense of responsibility and commitment in their workforce. Since 1922, <i>Harvard Business Review</i> has been a leading source of breakthrough ideas in management practice. The Harvard Business Review Classics series now offers you the opportunity to make these seminal pieces a part of your permanent management library. Each highly readable volume contains a groundbreaking idea that continues to shape best practices and inspire countless managers around the world.
Гениальная мысль: Пусть мысли, заключенные в книгах, будут твоим основным капиталом, а мысли, которые возникнут у тебя самого, - процентами на него.
Отличная шутка: Звонит девушка на радио и говорит: — Вчера нашла бумажник, там 5 тысяч долларов и паспорт на имя Сергея Сидорова. Поставьте ему, пожалуйста, какую-нибудь хорошую песню!
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