Top Ten Investments to Beat the Crunch!. Invest Your Way to Success even in a Downturn

Top Ten Investments to Beat the Crunch!. Invest Your Way to Success even in a Downturn
Автор: Jim Mellon
Дата написания:
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9781906465742
Цена: 1773.95 Руб.
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Everyone has it within them to become a successful investor. Right here's where you start. Ignore the doom and gloom merchants – now is the time to start investing for the future. Bestselling authors Jim Mellon and Al Chalabi were seen as the party poopers just a few years ago when they predicted the financial crisis in Wake Up! Now they take the opposite view – the party is about to start. It won't last forever, but in a few years a lot of money can be made by the astute and well-informed. This is your step-by-step introduction to the world of investment – including all the BigIdeas seasoned investors are searching for. You'll pick up ingenious and lucrative investment ideas in: Real Estate Stocks and Mutual Funds Bonds and Cash The BRIC Economies Commodities and Collectibles Green Investments «The DIY manual for building lasting wealth.» —Ross O'Brien, The Economist Group «Packed with wise, practical advice, this book puts into plain English what every investor needs to know.» —The Financial Times «…the book's main benefit was to show me that the mysteries of investment… lie within my grasp.» —Financial World «…a timely, practical reminder that it's never too late to start investing for tomorrow.» — «…the advice in this book will beat most professional fund managers by leaps and bounds.» —Sven Lorenz, market commentator, author & investor, and columnist for Money Week Please note: this book is the paperback edition of Jim and Al's Top 10 Investments for the Next 10 Years.
Гениальная мысль: Древние писали на папирусе, чтобы донести слово мудрости сквозь века до потомства. Газеты же печатаются на такой бумаге, чтобы послезавтра потомство не могло прочесть эту ерунду.
Отличная шутка: - Папа зачем ты купил у соседа мертвого осла? Кому он нужен? - А мы разыграем его в лотерею как живого и заработаем в 100 раз больше. - Но ведь выигравший увидит, что осел мертв, и устроит скандал. - А мы вернем ему его деньги.
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